I’m being under constant attack by hackers and some of my sites like Facebook and Digital Journal are starting to be inaccessible to me. I think that I did all that I could for now and will be signing off. Good luck to all you patriotic Americans and please continue the fight for our freedom. I will still continue to support you. This poster belongs to a friend from the Tea Party. Be patriotic and Sign Up
Please watch this video
Dear Lord, please place your hands upon us and let us know what we need to do to restore the values that you have enlightened us with.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Fox News Missing in Action
When Breitbart News published a story yesterday on the discovery of a 1991 publishers’ brochure that stated Barack Obama was born in Kenya, reporters scrambled to write their own stories.
Well, some reporters. Others just chuckled.
A Google search today of reports on the story found Fox News conspicuous in its absence. Also missing in action were CNN, NBC, CBS, the New York Times and others.
ABC News posted a story quoting the woman who edited the brochure, Miriam Goderich, saying,”This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me – an agency assistant at the time.”
But the document could have a significant impact, according to authorities who have been investigating the veracity of Obama’s documentation, including his birth certificate and Selective Service registration form.
read more:
Well, some reporters. Others just chuckled.
A Google search today of reports on the story found Fox News conspicuous in its absence. Also missing in action were CNN, NBC, CBS, the New York Times and others.
ABC News posted a story quoting the woman who edited the brochure, Miriam Goderich, saying,”This was nothing more than a fact checking error by me – an agency assistant at the time.”
But the document could have a significant impact, according to authorities who have been investigating the veracity of Obama’s documentation, including his birth certificate and Selective Service registration form.
read more:
Friday, May 18, 2012
Who In The Hell Is Barack Obama
If you think that what you refuse to see, hear, or understand won’t heart you, think again
A 'Fact Checking Error'? Dystel & Goderich Ask Writers to Submit Their Own Bios
Submission guidelines at the Dystel & Goderich website (original emphasis): "[Y]ou should describe in two or three sentences—no more—what the book will be about. This is followed by another brief paragraph on why it is being written and then another on why you are qualified to write it....Finally, there should be a more formal narrative Bio of the author."
I can speak of what she was like to work with and how she generated material. In my dealings with Dystel, I found her exceptionally thorough and very professional. She had a template she wanted non-fiction writers to follow, and my writing partner and I followed her template closely. She was rather fastidious, going so far as to mail a personal "Season's Greetings" card in December.
All material she used in our proposals came directly from me and my writing partner. She edited our rough-draft proposals and gave us feedback, but the final versions were all ours. Our final versions, bio included, were then simply photo-copied, by us, and distributed to potential publishers. This was back in the pre-Google days, recall.
Full story: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/05/18/dystel-biography
I can speak of what she was like to work with and how she generated material. In my dealings with Dystel, I found her exceptionally thorough and very professional. She had a template she wanted non-fiction writers to follow, and my writing partner and I followed her template closely. She was rather fastidious, going so far as to mail a personal "Season's Greetings" card in December.
All material she used in our proposals came directly from me and my writing partner. She edited our rough-draft proposals and gave us feedback, but the final versions were all ours. Our final versions, bio included, were then simply photo-copied, by us, and distributed to potential publishers. This was back in the pre-Google days, recall.
Full story: http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/05/18/dystel-biography
The leftists and RINO Republicans are destroying America from within
There is a real dark hidden side about Obama. He is not an African American. On his father's birth certificate he is listed as an Arab African. Here is another very interesting fact. His father's family was granted the right to continue the slave trade business by Queen Victoria.
It's not a "birther" issue, it's a Constitutional Issue - written by the Founders to protect our Nation against people like Obama who will destroy America from within. We have been warned over and over. Our elected cowards failed America.
In this video Barak and Michele explain Obama’s birth place. http://youtu.be/8qHmXMMCrlI
Watch this video http://youtu.be/HcBaSP31Be8 and you’ll see why all Democrats and RINO’s Republicans need to be voted out of office. We the people need to pass this on to make sure that this Unconstitutional Bill is repealed.
It's not a "birther" issue, it's a Constitutional Issue - written by the Founders to protect our Nation against people like Obama who will destroy America from within. We have been warned over and over. Our elected cowards failed America.
In this video Barak and Michele explain Obama’s birth place. http://youtu.be/8qHmXMMCrlI
Watch this video http://youtu.be/HcBaSP31Be8 and you’ll see why all Democrats and RINO’s Republicans need to be voted out of office. We the people need to pass this on to make sure that this Unconstitutional Bill is repealed.
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Birthers were right all along
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, whose special investigative unit already has found probable cause that Barack Obama’s Hawaii birth certificate is a forgery, says the discovery of a 1991 literary brochure listing Obama’s birthplace as Kenya “puts more smoke out there.”
And the old saying is? “Where there’s smoke there’s fire.”
His comment came today after Breitbart.com published the image of a promotional brochure from two decades ago that declares Obama was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.
A literary agent’s promotional brochure from two decades ago declares Barack Obama was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” Read the full report here.
The report said the brochure was created by Acton & Dystel, which was promoting Obama as the author of the never-produced “Journeys in Black and White.”
That biography states:
“Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.”
“We act on facts,” Arpaio told WND today. “We started the investigation back in August and utilized my Cold Case Posse to look into documents, the birth certificate and also the Selective Service forms. We seem to have much stonewalling going on.
“But I’m not going to back down. We are continuing to investigate what we feel are fraudulent government documents. We’re going to keep going, to prove once and for all whether they are genuine,” he said.
The unearthed publication “does put more smoke out there,” he said.
“We’ve gotten tons of information regarding this matter. This is just another little element,” he said.
What’s wrong with just reporting the facts? Joseph Farah blasts the “anti-birther” narrative that infects most of the media – Bretibart.com included. Read Farah’s latest column, “Breakthrough on eligibility story,” now.
Mike Zullo, the lead investigator for Arpaio’s special unit, told WND it is a “very interesting development.”
“This does coincide with information we have been pursuing, in light of the recent disclosures about discrepancies in his book ‘Dreams From My Father,’” he said. “It does bolster the significance of Sheriff Arpaio’s investigation, and it brings into the light the fundamental question of where actually was Mr. Obama born.”
He said it’s not logical that a literary agent would fabricate a foreign birthplace while trying to promote an author to the American market.
The information would have had to come “from someone close,” he said.
Breitbart News published a disclaimer at the beginning of its article stating its late founder, Andrew Breitbart, was never a “Birther” and Breitbart News “has never advocated the narrative of Birtherism.” Breitbart himself once characterized it as “not a winning issue.”
Nevertheless, the biography is one of numerous published reports as well as personal claims that Obama was born abroad, including the recent testimony of a Chicago-area postal worker who reported he was told by the parents of Bill Ayers that Obama was a foreigner.
The Breitbart report says Acton no longer represents Obama, who later published “Dreams from My Father.” Breitbart News describes the entire Acton booklet as being 36 pages long, printed in blue ink using offset lithography.
“It purports to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of Acton & Dystel, which was founded in 1976,” the report said.
Breitbart said Dystel still lists Obama as a client, and Miriam Goderich, now Dystel’s partner, was listed as the editor of the brochure. Breitbart says it tried to reach Goderich, without success.
“The parade of authors alongside Obama in the booklet includes politicians, such as former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill; sports legends, such as Joe Montana and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar; and numerous Hollywood celebrities. The reverse side of the page that features Barack Obama includes former Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader and early-1990s ‘boy band’ pop sensation New Kids On the Block,” the report says.
Acton told Breitbart that almost none of the biographies was written by the person promoted.
“Regardless of the reason for Obama’s odd biography, the Acton & Dystel booklet raises new questions as part of ongoing efforts to understand Barack Obama – who, despite four years in office remains a mystery to many Americans, thanks to the mainstream media,” the report says.
Meanwhile, Allen Hulton, a retired Chicago-area mailman, has come f... of a clean-cut young man he identified as Obama who approached him and told him he was going to be president.
Hulton delivered mail to Tom and Mary Ayers in a Chicago suburb in the late 1980s and early 1990s and claims to have met Obama in front of the Ayers home.
He has given a sworn affidavit to investigators commissioned by Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio to determine whether Obama is eligible for Arizona’s 2012 election ballot. Hulton has recorded about three hours of video interviews with WND.
Hulton says that in conversations with Mary Ayers while on his route he learned of the couple’s enthusiasm and support for a black foreign student. One bright, warm Chicagoland day, he recounts, he met the student who fit Mary Ayers’ description in front of the Ayers home in Glen Ellyn, Ill. That young man, Hulton is convinced, was Barack Obama.
Hulton delivered mail to the Ayers, who are both deceased, when he was stationed at the post office in Glen Ellyn, an upper-middle class suburb 25 miles west of downtown Chicago, from late 1986 to 1997. He was a Postal Service employee from March 28, 1962, through March 30, 2001.
As WND reported, Obama’s relationship with Bill Ayers – whom he dismissed in a 2008 debate as “just a guy who lives in my neighborhood” – plagued him in the 2008 presidential campaign and could resurface in this year’s election, as many questions remain.
Why would Obama say he was born in Kenya if he was not? Jack Cashill addresses this question in his column, “BHO’s ever-changing story.”
Young Obama
Over a period of years in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Hulton estimates he spoke with Mary Ayers about 18 to 20 times and once to Tom Ayers, who died in 2007. Mary Ayers died in 2000.
“Sometimes Mary would be out when I delivered the mail, and we would exchange a few words on occasion,” he says, recalling that she liked to talk about her family.
“One day, Mary came to the door when I came up to the house with the mail,” he remembers. “After a greeting, she started enthusiastically talking to me about this young black student they were helping out, and she referred to him as a foreign student.”
Hulton assumed that by “helping” the student, Mary Ayers meant she and her husband were financially supporting the black foreign-exchange student with his education.
See excerpts of Jerome Corsi’s interviews with Allen Hulton:
He says that Mary Ayers told him the student’s name, but that it was a “strange name” that he could not remember, even though at the time it sounded African to him.
“I was taken aback by how enthusiastic she was about him,” Hulton says. “And I believe she said he was from either Kenya or Indonesia, and I favor Indonesia in my recollection.”
WND has reported that when Obama was in Indonesia with his Indonesian stepfather and his mother from ages 6 to 10, he was registered in school as an Indonesian citizen and a Muslim. He went by the name Barry Soetoro, adopting the surname of his Indonesian stepfather. His mother’s passport listed him with the surname Soebarkah.
‘I’m going to be president of the United States’
About a year after discussing with Mary Ayers the foreign student she and her husband were supporting, Hulton recalls meeting a young black male on the sidewalk in front of the Ayers home.
Hulton describes the man as being in his early 20s, noting that he was tall, thin, had a light complexion and that his ears stuck out.
“He greeted me,” Hulton says. “He was very polite, dressed nicely, but informally – slacks and a dress shirt – and he spoke with no accent. Immediately this young black man entered into conversation with me. He told me he had taken the train out from Chicago and had come to thank the Ayers family personally for having helped him with his education.”
Hulton remembers asking the young man what his plans were for the future.
“He looked right at me and told me he was going to be president of the United States,” Hulton says.
“There was a little bit of a grin on his face when he said it – he sounded sure of himself, but not arrogant. I know how people will say things because they have an ambition, but it did not come across that way,” Hulton says. “It came across as if this young black male was telling me he was going to be president, almost as if it were the statement of a scientific fact that had already been determined, as if his being president had been already pre-arranged.”
There also was an internal bulletin from the Kenyan National Security Intelligence Service, or NSIS, that states that the Kenyan government in 2009 commissioned a cultural museum in the Obama home village of Kogelo to honor the “birthplace of President Barack Obama” and rededicate the tomb of his father, Barack Obama Sr.
The 2009 NSIS bulletin report said:
The ministry of national heritage this month hosted a cultural festival in Kogelo and commissioned a cultural museum on a plot donated by a member of the Kogelo community. The cultural festival was attended by the minister for national heritage, William ole Ntimama and U.S. ambassador, Michael Ranneberger.
This was to honour the birthplace of President Obama and re-dedicate the tomb of Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., the president’s late father. But the project had been delayed because of ownership wrangles surrounding the plot.
According to an article in the Kenyan Daily Nation newspaper July 5, 2010, the Kenyan government’s plans to build a 112 million Kenyan Schilling ($1.3 million) cultural center at Kogelo was locked in a dispute over who should donate land to the government for the project.
The Daily Nation, which published an artist’s sketch of the proposed Kogelo cultural center, referred to it as Obama’s “ancestral home.”
The NSIS memo suggests the Kenyan intelligence agency kept a close watch on the Obama family in Africa.
It noted the Kenyan government provided assistance to Obama’s step-grandmother, Sarah Hussein Obama, in the form of additional security and a government stipend of 50,000 Kenyan Schillings ($575) per month.
A Kenyan blog, “Jaluo,” reported that Grandmother Sarah caused family conflict when she visited Moammar Gadhafi in Libya “to the surprise and chagrins of the White House in Washington, D.C.,” and “without a proper delegation and approval of the entire family.”
The NSIS bulletin echoed the concern that Sarah Obama was visiting Musl..., commenting, “Mama Sarah had requested government assistance to travel to Mecca, Saudi Arabia for Hajj pilgrimage,” but “the Saudi Arabia government through its Nairobi embassy has come to her aid” by announcing “she will be a state guest in Saudi Arabia during her time there.”
WND also reported Kenyan MP James Orengo at one point asked the nation’s parliament, “How could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the president of America?”
On the day after Obama’s election, MP Boni Khalwale asked fellow members, “Could we allow … a Motion for Adjournment so that we could also continue the celebrations of having a Kenyan ruling the USA?”
In addition, a number of media sources – including National Public Radio – reported Obama’s birthplace as Kenya prior to his election as president.
Another reference was made in 2008 in the Nigerian Observer.
Under a Washington dateline, Solomon Asowata wrote, “Americans will today go to the polls to elect their next president with Democratic Party candidate, Senator Barack Obama largely favoured to win. The Kenyan-born Senator will, however, face a stiff competition from his Republican counterpart.”
An African Travel Magazine once reported, “As Kenyan born U.S. Senator Barack Obama jets into Kenya today as part of his African tour, concerns have once again been raised on the security preparations for other visitors and residents.”
An article in the Sunday Standard in Kenya begins, “Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack (sic) Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.”
The article is credited to the wire service Associated Press. However, it could not be found either in the AP archives online or the African newspaper’s website.
Also, an African news site and an MSNBC broadcaster referred to President Obama’s birthplace as being outside of the United States.
A report by Modern Ghana posted in advance of the president’s visit stated his birthplace was on the continent of Africa.
“For Ghana, Obama’s visit will be a celebration of another milestone in African history as it hosts the first-ever African-American President on this presidential visit to the continent of his birth,” the report said.
And the old saying is? “Where there’s smoke there’s fire.”
His comment came today after Breitbart.com published the image of a promotional brochure from two decades ago that declares Obama was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.
A literary agent’s promotional brochure from two decades ago declares Barack Obama was “born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii.” Read the full report here.
The report said the brochure was created by Acton & Dystel, which was promoting Obama as the author of the never-produced “Journeys in Black and White.”
That biography states:
“Barack Obama, the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review, was born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii. The son of an American anthropologist and a Kenyan finance minister, he attended Columbia University and worked as a financial journalist and editor for Business International Corporation. He served as project coordinator in Harlem for the New York Public Interest Research Group, and was Executive Director of the Developing Communities Project in Chicago’s South Side. His commitment to social and racial issues will be evident in his first book, Journeys in Black and White.”
“We act on facts,” Arpaio told WND today. “We started the investigation back in August and utilized my Cold Case Posse to look into documents, the birth certificate and also the Selective Service forms. We seem to have much stonewalling going on.
“But I’m not going to back down. We are continuing to investigate what we feel are fraudulent government documents. We’re going to keep going, to prove once and for all whether they are genuine,” he said.
The unearthed publication “does put more smoke out there,” he said.
“We’ve gotten tons of information regarding this matter. This is just another little element,” he said.
What’s wrong with just reporting the facts? Joseph Farah blasts the “anti-birther” narrative that infects most of the media – Bretibart.com included. Read Farah’s latest column, “Breakthrough on eligibility story,” now.
Mike Zullo, the lead investigator for Arpaio’s special unit, told WND it is a “very interesting development.”
“This does coincide with information we have been pursuing, in light of the recent disclosures about discrepancies in his book ‘Dreams From My Father,’” he said. “It does bolster the significance of Sheriff Arpaio’s investigation, and it brings into the light the fundamental question of where actually was Mr. Obama born.”
He said it’s not logical that a literary agent would fabricate a foreign birthplace while trying to promote an author to the American market.
The information would have had to come “from someone close,” he said.
Breitbart News published a disclaimer at the beginning of its article stating its late founder, Andrew Breitbart, was never a “Birther” and Breitbart News “has never advocated the narrative of Birtherism.” Breitbart himself once characterized it as “not a winning issue.”
Nevertheless, the biography is one of numerous published reports as well as personal claims that Obama was born abroad, including the recent testimony of a Chicago-area postal worker who reported he was told by the parents of Bill Ayers that Obama was a foreigner.
The Breitbart report says Acton no longer represents Obama, who later published “Dreams from My Father.” Breitbart News describes the entire Acton booklet as being 36 pages long, printed in blue ink using offset lithography.
“It purports to celebrate the fifteenth anniversary of Acton & Dystel, which was founded in 1976,” the report said.
Breitbart said Dystel still lists Obama as a client, and Miriam Goderich, now Dystel’s partner, was listed as the editor of the brochure. Breitbart says it tried to reach Goderich, without success.
“The parade of authors alongside Obama in the booklet includes politicians, such as former Speaker of the House Tip O’Neill; sports legends, such as Joe Montana and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar; and numerous Hollywood celebrities. The reverse side of the page that features Barack Obama includes former Green Party presidential candidate Ralph Nader and early-1990s ‘boy band’ pop sensation New Kids On the Block,” the report says.
Acton told Breitbart that almost none of the biographies was written by the person promoted.
“Regardless of the reason for Obama’s odd biography, the Acton & Dystel booklet raises new questions as part of ongoing efforts to understand Barack Obama – who, despite four years in office remains a mystery to many Americans, thanks to the mainstream media,” the report says.
Meanwhile, Allen Hulton, a retired Chicago-area mailman, has come f... of a clean-cut young man he identified as Obama who approached him and told him he was going to be president.
Hulton delivered mail to Tom and Mary Ayers in a Chicago suburb in the late 1980s and early 1990s and claims to have met Obama in front of the Ayers home.
He has given a sworn affidavit to investigators commissioned by Maricopa County, Ariz., Sheriff Joe Arpaio to determine whether Obama is eligible for Arizona’s 2012 election ballot. Hulton has recorded about three hours of video interviews with WND.
Hulton says that in conversations with Mary Ayers while on his route he learned of the couple’s enthusiasm and support for a black foreign student. One bright, warm Chicagoland day, he recounts, he met the student who fit Mary Ayers’ description in front of the Ayers home in Glen Ellyn, Ill. That young man, Hulton is convinced, was Barack Obama.
Hulton delivered mail to the Ayers, who are both deceased, when he was stationed at the post office in Glen Ellyn, an upper-middle class suburb 25 miles west of downtown Chicago, from late 1986 to 1997. He was a Postal Service employee from March 28, 1962, through March 30, 2001.
As WND reported, Obama’s relationship with Bill Ayers – whom he dismissed in a 2008 debate as “just a guy who lives in my neighborhood” – plagued him in the 2008 presidential campaign and could resurface in this year’s election, as many questions remain.
Why would Obama say he was born in Kenya if he was not? Jack Cashill addresses this question in his column, “BHO’s ever-changing story.”
Young Obama
Over a period of years in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Hulton estimates he spoke with Mary Ayers about 18 to 20 times and once to Tom Ayers, who died in 2007. Mary Ayers died in 2000.
“Sometimes Mary would be out when I delivered the mail, and we would exchange a few words on occasion,” he says, recalling that she liked to talk about her family.
“One day, Mary came to the door when I came up to the house with the mail,” he remembers. “After a greeting, she started enthusiastically talking to me about this young black student they were helping out, and she referred to him as a foreign student.”
Hulton assumed that by “helping” the student, Mary Ayers meant she and her husband were financially supporting the black foreign-exchange student with his education.
See excerpts of Jerome Corsi’s interviews with Allen Hulton:
He says that Mary Ayers told him the student’s name, but that it was a “strange name” that he could not remember, even though at the time it sounded African to him.
“I was taken aback by how enthusiastic she was about him,” Hulton says. “And I believe she said he was from either Kenya or Indonesia, and I favor Indonesia in my recollection.”
WND has reported that when Obama was in Indonesia with his Indonesian stepfather and his mother from ages 6 to 10, he was registered in school as an Indonesian citizen and a Muslim. He went by the name Barry Soetoro, adopting the surname of his Indonesian stepfather. His mother’s passport listed him with the surname Soebarkah.
‘I’m going to be president of the United States’
About a year after discussing with Mary Ayers the foreign student she and her husband were supporting, Hulton recalls meeting a young black male on the sidewalk in front of the Ayers home.
Hulton describes the man as being in his early 20s, noting that he was tall, thin, had a light complexion and that his ears stuck out.
“He greeted me,” Hulton says. “He was very polite, dressed nicely, but informally – slacks and a dress shirt – and he spoke with no accent. Immediately this young black man entered into conversation with me. He told me he had taken the train out from Chicago and had come to thank the Ayers family personally for having helped him with his education.”
Hulton remembers asking the young man what his plans were for the future.
“He looked right at me and told me he was going to be president of the United States,” Hulton says.
“There was a little bit of a grin on his face when he said it – he sounded sure of himself, but not arrogant. I know how people will say things because they have an ambition, but it did not come across that way,” Hulton says. “It came across as if this young black male was telling me he was going to be president, almost as if it were the statement of a scientific fact that had already been determined, as if his being president had been already pre-arranged.”
There also was an internal bulletin from the Kenyan National Security Intelligence Service, or NSIS, that states that the Kenyan government in 2009 commissioned a cultural museum in the Obama home village of Kogelo to honor the “birthplace of President Barack Obama” and rededicate the tomb of his father, Barack Obama Sr.
The 2009 NSIS bulletin report said:
The ministry of national heritage this month hosted a cultural festival in Kogelo and commissioned a cultural museum on a plot donated by a member of the Kogelo community. The cultural festival was attended by the minister for national heritage, William ole Ntimama and U.S. ambassador, Michael Ranneberger.
This was to honour the birthplace of President Obama and re-dedicate the tomb of Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., the president’s late father. But the project had been delayed because of ownership wrangles surrounding the plot.
According to an article in the Kenyan Daily Nation newspaper July 5, 2010, the Kenyan government’s plans to build a 112 million Kenyan Schilling ($1.3 million) cultural center at Kogelo was locked in a dispute over who should donate land to the government for the project.
The Daily Nation, which published an artist’s sketch of the proposed Kogelo cultural center, referred to it as Obama’s “ancestral home.”
The NSIS memo suggests the Kenyan intelligence agency kept a close watch on the Obama family in Africa.
It noted the Kenyan government provided assistance to Obama’s step-grandmother, Sarah Hussein Obama, in the form of additional security and a government stipend of 50,000 Kenyan Schillings ($575) per month.
A Kenyan blog, “Jaluo,” reported that Grandmother Sarah caused family conflict when she visited Moammar Gadhafi in Libya “to the surprise and chagrins of the White House in Washington, D.C.,” and “without a proper delegation and approval of the entire family.”
The NSIS bulletin echoed the concern that Sarah Obama was visiting Musl..., commenting, “Mama Sarah had requested government assistance to travel to Mecca, Saudi Arabia for Hajj pilgrimage,” but “the Saudi Arabia government through its Nairobi embassy has come to her aid” by announcing “she will be a state guest in Saudi Arabia during her time there.”
WND also reported Kenyan MP James Orengo at one point asked the nation’s parliament, “How could a young man born here in Kenya, who is not even a native American, become the president of America?”
On the day after Obama’s election, MP Boni Khalwale asked fellow members, “Could we allow … a Motion for Adjournment so that we could also continue the celebrations of having a Kenyan ruling the USA?”
In addition, a number of media sources – including National Public Radio – reported Obama’s birthplace as Kenya prior to his election as president.
Another reference was made in 2008 in the Nigerian Observer.
Under a Washington dateline, Solomon Asowata wrote, “Americans will today go to the polls to elect their next president with Democratic Party candidate, Senator Barack Obama largely favoured to win. The Kenyan-born Senator will, however, face a stiff competition from his Republican counterpart.”
An African Travel Magazine once reported, “As Kenyan born U.S. Senator Barack Obama jets into Kenya today as part of his African tour, concerns have once again been raised on the security preparations for other visitors and residents.”
An article in the Sunday Standard in Kenya begins, “Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack (sic) Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations.”
The article is credited to the wire service Associated Press. However, it could not be found either in the AP archives online or the African newspaper’s website.
Also, an African news site and an MSNBC broadcaster referred to President Obama’s birthplace as being outside of the United States.
A report by Modern Ghana posted in advance of the president’s visit stated his birthplace was on the continent of Africa.
“For Ghana, Obama’s visit will be a celebration of another milestone in African history as it hosts the first-ever African-American President on this presidential visit to the continent of his birth,” the report said.
Why Do Democrats want this?
Watch this video http://youtu.be/HcBaSP31Be8 and you’ll see why all Democrats and RINO’s Republicans need to be voted out of office. We the people need to pass this on to make sure that this Unconstitutional Bill is repealed.
Wednesday, May 16, 2012
6 in 10 want to know candidates' eligibility
Watch this video and then read the article- http://youtu.be/ptSrcNvJzBQ
(WND) - Just as Barack Obama's 2012 presidential campaign is hitting high gear, a new poll indicates that a strong majority of Arizona voters wants affidavits from presidential candidates affirming their eligibility.
The results are from the Arizona State University-based Morrison Institute for Public Policy.
“The poll shows 6 of 10 Arizona voters "would support a 'birther bill' requiring presidential candidates to sign an affidavit affirming they are American citizens."
Read More:
(WND) - Just as Barack Obama's 2012 presidential campaign is hitting high gear, a new poll indicates that a strong majority of Arizona voters wants affidavits from presidential candidates affirming their eligibility.
The results are from the Arizona State University-based Morrison Institute for Public Policy.
“The poll shows 6 of 10 Arizona voters "would support a 'birther bill' requiring presidential candidates to sign an affidavit affirming they are American citizens."
Read More:
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Obama is attempting to implement a one-world leftist’s utopia
Obama is whittling away American sovereignty and creating new global bodies to replace Congress. He needs to be stopped. Don’t let the major media brainwash you. Educate yourselves and vote wisely. This is not about black and white. It’s about blacks and whites being patriotic. Please watch this video, http://youtu.be/SKkDHiZ2fOU
Monday, May 14, 2012
Obama’s Father Was Blacklisted as an “Anti-American, Anti-White” Terrorist in 1959
Barack Obama’s controversial and legally-contested hold on the executive office just got a great deal more complicated. Documents released this week by the British Foreign Secretary reveal that the president’s father, Barack Hussein Obama, Senior, was the target of an international investigation due to his ties to Kenyan terrorists groups. The top secret files, which had been suppressed for decades, were privately condemned by administration officials who feared they would undermine the president as polls show him trailing Republican contender Mitt Romney by at least five points. They also highlight the mounting public evidence tying Barack Jr. to communist sleeper cells and long range plots to undermine American democracy.
(In other disturbing Obama news, it was leaked today that the President frequenty ate dog meat as a child. He is the first and only United States President to have ever eaten a family pet. Apparently, such an act is a ritualistic part of Muslim religious training, and the young Obama found the meat, “quite satifsying.”)
Barack Obama seniorThe shocking dossier on Obama Sr. came to light after a lengthy case in the British High Court brought by a team of professors at Oxford University. The records hark back to a time when Kenya was still a British colony and Obama Sr. was a Kenyan national who traveled to Hawaii for a college education, despite his political radicalism and poor academic record. The suspicious move prompted a closer look by security agents who worried about the young man’s sudden fixation on entering the United States. Barack Jr. hatched a very similar scheme to network his way from academia to the Halls of Congress, despite his equally mediocre educational record.
On September 1, 1959, one British ambassador penned a highly classified communiqué that stated, “I have discussed with the State Department. They are as disturbed about these developments as we are. They point out that Kenya students have a bad reputation over here for falling into the wrong hands and for becoming both anti-American and anti-white.”
read more:
(In other disturbing Obama news, it was leaked today that the President frequenty ate dog meat as a child. He is the first and only United States President to have ever eaten a family pet. Apparently, such an act is a ritualistic part of Muslim religious training, and the young Obama found the meat, “quite satifsying.”)
Barack Obama seniorThe shocking dossier on Obama Sr. came to light after a lengthy case in the British High Court brought by a team of professors at Oxford University. The records hark back to a time when Kenya was still a British colony and Obama Sr. was a Kenyan national who traveled to Hawaii for a college education, despite his political radicalism and poor academic record. The suspicious move prompted a closer look by security agents who worried about the young man’s sudden fixation on entering the United States. Barack Jr. hatched a very similar scheme to network his way from academia to the Halls of Congress, despite his equally mediocre educational record.
On September 1, 1959, one British ambassador penned a highly classified communiqué that stated, “I have discussed with the State Department. They are as disturbed about these developments as we are. They point out that Kenya students have a bad reputation over here for falling into the wrong hands and for becoming both anti-American and anti-white.”
read more:
Not only African Americans but all Americans need to wake up
Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; "Go back to Boston ! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. Through our love of having children, we are going to take over.
Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council. "They're afraid we're going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They're right. We will take them over . . . We are here to stay."
Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico , "The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot."
Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas ; "We have an aging white America . They are not making babies. They are dying. We are having babies. The explosion is in our population . . . I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it."
Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party, "Remember 187--proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens--was the last gasp of white America in California ."
Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor, "We are politicizing every single one of these new citizens that are becoming citizens of this country ..... I gotta tell you that a lot of people are saying, "I'm going to go out there and vote because I want to pay them back."
Mario Obledo, California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown, also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton, " California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn't like it should leave."
Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General, "We are practicing 'La Reconquista' in California ..."
Professor Fernando Guerra, Loyola Marymount University; "We need to avoid a white backlash by using codes understood by Latinos . . . "
When I was young, I remember hearing about the immigrants that came through Ellis Island .. They wanted to learn English. They wanted to breathe free. They wanted to become Americans. Now too many immigrants come here with demands. They demand to be taught in their own language. They demand special privileges--affirmative action. They demand ethnic studies that glorify their culture.
Send copies of this letter to at least two other people, 100 would be even better. Help us get the word out.
Remember when you vote next year that we need someone in the White House who will balance the budget and control illegal immigration. If we make all illegals, legal, then we have lost our country forever. Liberalism will have won and you will have a one party system forever. Redistribution of wealth will be the law. It is called socialism. Our country is heading in the wrong direction and we are doing it to ourselves without serious protest.
Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets; "Go back to Boston ! Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims! Get out! We are the future. You are old and tired. Go on. We have beaten you. Leave like beaten rats. You old white people. It is your duty to die. Through our love of having children, we are going to take over.
Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council. "They're afraid we're going to take over the governmental institutions and other institutions. They're right. We will take them over . . . We are here to stay."
Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico , "The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot."
Professor Jose Angel Gutierrez, University of Texas ; "We have an aging white America . They are not making babies. They are dying. We are having babies. The explosion is in our population . . . I love it. They are shitting in their pants with fear. I love it."
Art Torres, Chairman of the California Democratic Party, "Remember 187--proposition to deny taxpayer funds for services to non-citizens--was the last gasp of white America in California ."
Gloria Molina, Los Angeles County Supervisor, "We are politicizing every single one of these new citizens that are becoming citizens of this country ..... I gotta tell you that a lot of people are saying, "I'm going to go out there and vote because I want to pay them back."
Mario Obledo, California Coalition of Hispanic Organizations and California State Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare under Governor Jerry Brown, also awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton, " California is going to be a Hispanic state. Anyone who doesn't like it should leave."
Jose Pescador Osuna, Mexican Consul General, "We are practicing 'La Reconquista' in California ..."
Professor Fernando Guerra, Loyola Marymount University; "We need to avoid a white backlash by using codes understood by Latinos . . . "
When I was young, I remember hearing about the immigrants that came through Ellis Island .. They wanted to learn English. They wanted to breathe free. They wanted to become Americans. Now too many immigrants come here with demands. They demand to be taught in their own language. They demand special privileges--affirmative action. They demand ethnic studies that glorify their culture.
Send copies of this letter to at least two other people, 100 would be even better. Help us get the word out.
Remember when you vote next year that we need someone in the White House who will balance the budget and control illegal immigration. If we make all illegals, legal, then we have lost our country forever. Liberalism will have won and you will have a one party system forever. Redistribution of wealth will be the law. It is called socialism. Our country is heading in the wrong direction and we are doing it to ourselves without serious protest.
Sunday, May 13, 2012
New International Economic Order
The Law of the Sea Treaty comes up for Senate ratification next month. Signed in the 70s as part of the "New International Economic Order" heralded by the United Nations and described, accurately by Forbes, as a scheme to "take money from productive First World countries and give it to authoritarian Third World dictatorships." Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush refused to send it to the Senate for ratification, but Obama is pushing it, hoping to jam it through the Democratic Senate like he used the Senate Lame Duck session to pass the START give-away treaty with Russia.
You need to watch this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSbIG4uLMLY&feature=colike
You need to watch this - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WSbIG4uLMLY&feature=colike
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Obama is evolving to be a dictator
Obama is making more and more people dependent on government to achieve his goals. When there are more takers than producers, likes of Stalin, Mousey Tung, Hitler, and now Obama who is trying to be their successor is inflicting us with hardship. Before Obama, the high for long-term unemployment rate was less than half of what it is today and Economists say that high long-term unemployment rates are dangerous. As time out of work increases, a worker's skills and knowledge of new technologies grow rusty making them less attractive to employers. This makes them less likely to re-enter the workforce making them even more dependent on government.
Friday, May 11, 2012
Time to Wake up America
Fema Camps and Gun Grabbing Troops, The Storm is Coming
A shocking U.S. Army manual that describes how "political activists," including American citizens, are to be indoctrinated in re-education camps also includes rules on forced labor and separating political prisoners by confining them in isolation.
Aside from detailing how PSYOP teams will use "indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes," as well as targeting "political activists" with indoctrination programs to provide "understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions," the manual directs political prisoners to be separated from the rest of the camp population.
On page 284, the manual (PDF) describes how "Malcontents, rabble-rousers, trained agitators, and political officers who may attempt to organize resistance or create disturbances within the I/R facility," are to be confined "in isolated enclosures to deny them access to the general population."
A shocking U.S. Army manual that describes how "political activists," including American citizens, are to be indoctrinated in re-education camps also includes rules on forced labor and separating political prisoners by confining them in isolation.
Aside from detailing how PSYOP teams will use "indoctrination programs to reduce or remove antagonistic attitudes," as well as targeting "political activists" with indoctrination programs to provide "understanding and appreciation of U.S. policies and actions," the manual directs political prisoners to be separated from the rest of the camp population.
On page 284, the manual (PDF) describes how "Malcontents, rabble-rousers, trained agitators, and political officers who may attempt to organize resistance or create disturbances within the I/R facility," are to be confined "in isolated enclosures to deny them access to the general population."
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Stand up and say enough is enough
b. A leftist George Sorrows sponsored site called BusinessGreen is trying to file a complaint about
my conservative views.- On their website called BusinessGreen , they are asking other leftists the
following “:Fill in this form to register a complaint about the comment 'http://cybercorrespondent-
wordpress.com by cybercorrespondent. Please enter your email address ...” If they manage to
shut down my website, I will just speak up even lauder on a new one.
my conservative views.- On their website called BusinessGreen , they are asking other leftists the
following “:Fill in this form to register a complaint about the comment 'http://cybercorrespondent-
wordpress.com by cybercorrespondent. Please enter your email address ...” If they manage to
shut down my website, I will just speak up even lauder on a new one.
Facebook shows its ugly head
Is Facebook a liberal organization? Read full story @
Absolutely yes, Facebook is a liberal organization! It is also an organization that has an agreement with the white house to monitor conversations and report on users. You are much better off without Facebook.
Is Facebook a liberal organization? Read full story @
Absolutely yes, Facebook is a liberal organization! It is also an organization that has an agreement with the white house to monitor conversations and report on users. You are much better off without Facebook.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
What’s up with Facebook?
Because of my conservative views, some liberal must have complained, and for several months I have tried to sign in to my Facebook account and this is the message I get. “Suspicious activity has been detected on your Facebook account and it has been temporarily suspended as a security precaution. It is likely that your account was compromised as a result of entering your password on a website designed to look like Facebook. This type of attack is known as phishing” I have changed my password several times, contacted Facebook, but they still don’t allow me to sign in. Since I’ve forgot my secret word, Facebook keeps on giving me impossible tasks to identify, such animations on some of my friend’s pages. Is Facebook a liberal organization?
Dick Durbin for changing the Constitution
Dick Durbin, senator of the corrupt state of Illinois, who helped Barack Hussein Obama become president, (please watch-), http://youtu.be/8qHmXMMCrlI, tells illegal aliens that they too could become the president in this great country. Please watch- http://youtu.be/2555iVNbJZg
Thursday, May 3, 2012
Obama’s Winners and Losers
Athletic Director Bob DeCarolis
After an 8 -11 start (2-5) in the Pac 10 conference, Mr. Bob DeCarolis, who’s the Athletic Director of Oregon State University, was considering weather to fire their Basketball Coach Craig Robinson.
Basketball Coach Craig Robinson
When word reached the Undersecretary of Education Martha Kanter in Washington , $17 million of stimulus money was immediately dispatched to the University to save Basketball Coach Craig Robinson’s job.
Undersecretary of Education Martha Kanter
Thanks to Obama’s slush fund, Coach Craig Robinson’s job was saved.
For those of you unfamiliar with Coach Robinson, he just so happens to be the brother in law of none other than our country's beloved President Obama, the brother of Michelle Robinson Obama.
But hey, can't we all come to the conclusion that Coach Robinson's job security was all just a coincidence? I'm sure of it .... Aren't You? Thank Goodness For The Stimulus!!! Our tax dollars at work!!!!! But $17 million for one job? I wonder what mine is worth?
If this doesn't anger you, nothing will... remember to vote in 2012
FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2009
Athletic budget cut update #21 - Beavers chopping east! and west?
The latest budget news has Oregon State Director of Athletics Bob DeCarolis suggesting that if their recently announced fund raising efforts are not successful the Beavers may be forced to drop teams.
To be sure, fall's exact enrollment numbers won't be in for a few more weeks, as students can still enroll or unenroll from classes. Nonetheless, preliminary numbers suggest Oregon schools have used stimulus dollars and tax measures to make way for tens of thousands of new students this fall.
Oregon state agencies,
click here for prime award data
For Oregon State University in Corvallis, where the brother-in-law of the current U.S. President coaches basketball, record enrollment has translated to longer lines and greater competition for everything from classes to parking places.
OSU officials say they expect an estimated 24,000 students this year – marking another record enrollment year. Student registrations have grown gradually over the school's 142-year history. However, within the past three years the pace has increased dramatically.
Why the jump? According to The Oregonian, OSU joins other Oregon universities trying harder to retain students. This comes after the newest numbers show one in five freshmen usually quit in the first year. The O also reports such universities as OSU are hiring additional support staff: enlisting more advisers, tutors and mentors and expanding programs to help students manage everything from course load to finances.
This comes as OSU spends its American Recovery and Reinvestment Act dollars, including $252 million in federal research grants and contracts earned in 2009. The school's website reports the $252-million amount is "more than that received by all other Oregon public universities combined."
Some of the funding for expansion also came from state stimulus dollars. These funds were approved for "capital construction" projects as part of Oregon Senate Bill 338. For example, OregonLive.com reported that $500,000 in state stimulus money paid for part of a $3.7 million renovation of OSU's Gill Coliseum, where the Beavers play basketball.
The Gazette-Times reports OSU's anticipated 9.2 percent jump from fall 2009's record of 21,969 students would put OSU on track for the school president's envisioned enrollment of 30,000 to 35,000 students by 2025.
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